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Thyroid TSH Rapid Test

Thyroid Test (LGC)
Last changed: 14/12/2022
Thyroid Home Test
The thyroid is a small, shaped gland with a big function in our body- to control our metabolism and control growth in our early life. The signs and symptoms of thyroid disorders can be hard to spot and may be confused with other disorders. A home thyroid test is a quick and reliable way to know if you have a thyroid problem.
Why Use A Home Thyroid Test?
The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland in your neck, it makes two hormones-thyroxine and triiodothyronine which are crucial for the cells in your body to work properly. Your thyroid however can become over or under active based on the levels of thyroxine produced. Whilst there are symptoms of these disorders sometimes the symptoms are very few and the only way to know there is a problem is to undergo a blood test. In fact, it is estimated that 60% of those who have a thyroid disorder are completely unaware of it.
Who Should Use A Home Thyroid Test?
The symptoms of an underactive thyroid-hypothyroidism- include tiredness, feeling cold, weight gain, poor concentration and depression. So, if you have these symptoms you may wish to carry out a test. Symptoms that suggest you may have an overactive thyroid-hyperthyroidism- include weight loss, heat intolerance, anxiety and sometimes people get sore and gritty eyes. You may also have other members of your family who have thyroid problems or other autoimmune disorders.
What’s In A Home Thyroid Test?
A home thyroid test will require a blood sample which is a finger prick. Test providers will provide you with lancets, blood collection vial and detailed instructions on how to safely prick your finger for blood.
What Does A Home Thyroid Test Do?
A standard thyroid test on the market will test your blood for levels of TSH-thyroid stimulating hormone, FT4-thyroxine and T3 -triiodothyronine. Raised FT4 can indicate an overactive thyroid, low FT4 levels can suggest an under active thyroid. You will also find on the market a test for thyroid antibodies. This test looks at TSH, FT4 and FT3 but also looks at thyroglobulin antibodies and thyroid peroxidase antibodies.
Measuring the antibodies can also indicate thyroid damage which can include autoimmune disorders.