CRP Home Test Kits
High levels of CRP in your blood can be an indication that you have inflammation occurring somewhere in the body. You may not however be aware of this, so a home CRP test is a quick and reliable way to know if you have inflammation and are at risk of developing associated conditions and diseases.
Why Use A CRP Home Test?
CRP or C reactive protein is a blood test marker for inflammation in the body. Its levels rise when the body is suffering from inflammation yet there are often no signs or symptoms specific for an elevated CRP. Inflammation may be due to infections like pneumonia, tuberculosis, inflammatory diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. As you may be unaware that inflammation has occurred in your body a home test is a way of getting that early warning that something is not right. Inflammation can be a sign of the diseases already mentioned but it can also indicate risk of strokes, heart attacks and peripheral vascular disease.
Who Should Use A CRP Home Test?
It is advisable to take a test if you are at risk of diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, Crohn’s disease (chronic inflammation of the digestive tract), bowel disorders or you are overweight. You could also consider taking the test as part of a general health check.
What’s In A CRP Home Test?
You will be asked to provide a blood sample which is a finger prick. You will therefore be supplied with lancets, blood collection tube, swabs, wipes and plasters.
What Does A CRP Home Test Do?
Your blood sample will be tested for levels of CRP. CRP is a protein made in the liver which is sent into the bloodstream in response to inflammation. Normally a healthy person will have low levels of CRP in the blood. A high level suggests that you are suffering from inflammation. In terms of measurement, current testing practises offer a range of 10-1000mg/L-the closer you get to 10mg/L the lower the level of infection/inflammation. The test will not tell you where the inflammation is or what is causing it bit it is an alert to follow up with your doctor.